Applying for Membership

According to the By-Laws of LES Scandinavia membership is restricted to residents of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden or any other country which has not organised a local society.

It is also possible for members of sister organisations of LES Scandinavia to become members.

To obtain membership, you need to fill in an application form and pay a membership fee.

The annual membership fee for 2022 is NOK 1,200 (EUR 150).

Please also read the membership rules.

The application form is accessible online here. If you prefer, you can download it and fill it in offline.

The Member List
By becoming a member of LES Scandinavia, you accept that your name, address, telephone number, e-mail and other specific facts relating to your membership and your professional activity are included and stored on electronic media and online as well as in membership registers and printed publications held or issued by LES Scandinavia or its parent organisation LES International. You further agree that these societies may use such information for professional mailings relating to transfer of technology and intellectual property.