
Patent Dispute Resolution System In India

Balwant RawatEvalueserve, General Manager, IP & Legal Services Gurgaon, India New Delhi, India, November/December 2009: After opening its economy for foreign direct investment in the early 1990s, India has become an important destination for multinational companies (MNCs). The population of over 1.2 billion not only makes India an attractive market, but also provides a vast […]

Heightened Due Diligence By Licensees?

Kei KonishiNichi-ei International Patent Firm, Partner, Patent Attorney, Tokyo, Japan Many companies are well aware of the value of patent licensing. The exclusivity of patents requires companies that want to produce or sell their products which are covered by another’s patent to obtain patent licenses from the patentees. It is, however, not surprising for a […]

Establishing An Effective International Withholding Tax Program For Patent Licensing

Victoria TaiVia Licensing Corporation, Controller, San Francisco, CA, USA International withholding tax poses a unique challenge for innovators who desire broad global distribution of patented technologies. Different types of licensing arrangements, from cross licensing to direct licensing to patent pools, call for different approaches to international tax withholding requirements and these must be taken into […]

How Sun Tzu Would Outflank Patent Trolls

David WanetickIncreMental Advantage, Managing Director, Princeton, NJ, USA Much has been written about strategies employed by patent trolls. Many have opined about the tax they represent to operating companies. Others have lauded trolls for providing markets where inventors can sell their patents for reasonable returns. This article will focus on strategies— many from Sun Tzu, […]

The 25% Rule Still Rules: New Evidence From Pro Forma Analysis In Royalty Rates

Jiaqing “Jack” LuApplied Economics Consulting Group, Inc., Sr. Economist and Director of Economic Analysis, Austin, TX, USA Recent Studies in the 25% Rule and the Relevant Data Issues The 25% rule is based on observations that royalty negotiations tend to a royalty rate that equals approximately one-quarter of the licensee’s expected operating profits derived from […]

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