
Can Developed Nations Make A Fortune By Licensing New Technologies To The World’s Poor?

Richard MammoneRutgers, The State University of New Jersey Jeffery RobinsonRutgers Business School Marcus CrewsRutgers, The State University of New Jersey Marc FriedmanDentons US LLP Atif J. KhanRobert Wood Johnson Medical School–(RWJMS-UMDNJ), Cancer Institute of New Jersey (CINJ) The World Health Organization (WHO) [1] lists breast cancer as the major cancer in women in both the […]

Engaging MNCs And LESI/GTIF On Creating Massive New Consumers For Developing New Business Growth Platforms While Eradicating Global Poverty

Kewal. K. LikhyaniIP2Revenues, LLC Globalization has generally been very profitable for most multinational corporations (MNCs). It has allowed MNCs access to foreign markets where more than 50% of their sales could be from the developing world. However, the other face of globalization are concerns about the future growth platforms in the wake of continuing global […]

U.S. Academic Technology Transfer Models: Traditional, Experimental And Hypothetical

Linara AxanovaThe Salk Institute for Biological Studies In age-old tradition, the goals for most universities are teaching, research and service. These were more recently joined by the new missions of knowledge transfer and economic development. The genesis of this change in the United States can be traced to the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, which allowed […]

Valuing Intellectual Property In Defence Acquisition: An Australian Case Study

By Peter W. BevenRed Gymea Pty. Ltd. The need for all organisations to have robust Intellectual Property (IP) management systems in place is generally well understood. This is particularly true for organisations operating in environments such as defence and aerospace, which are characterised by high degrees of technological and organisational complexity as well as high […]

Economic Impacts Of Technology Transfer: Two Case Studies From The U.S. Department Of Defense

Will D. SwearingenTechLink, Montana State University Timothy F. SlaperIndiana University Business Research Center Virtually all publicly funded research institutions, whether universities or government laboratories, engage in technology transfer. Their official rationale, usually stated explicitly, is to benefit the society that funded their research-and-development (R&D) activities by enabling the resulting inventions to be converted into useful […]

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