
Through A Looking Glass Clearly: In The Digital Age, ‘Intellectual Property’ Is Evolving Into ‘Intellectual Partnership’

By Ali Jazairy IP is evolving from “Intellectual Property,” where one attempts to build a litigation-proof and protective “fence” around one’s intellectual assets, to “Intellectual Partnership,” where one freely exchanges these intellectual assets through win-win transactions. The first 100 years of intellectual property (IP) since the Paris Convention in 1883 have been about all steps […]

Inspired Bayh-Dole Act Turns 35

By Fred Reinhart and Stephen J. Susalka The Bayh-Dole Act is arguably one of the most influential pieces of intellectual property law in the twentieth century. Passage of the act allowed universities to retain ownership of federally funded intellectual property—dramatically transforming the way inventions are treated in universities while enabling society to gain even greater […]

les Nouvelles Is 50 Years Old—Introduction

By Sun R. Kim In 2015, Oxford University Press made history announcing that Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year was, for the first time ever, a pictograph called “the face with tears of joy” emoji. I still do not know how to pronounce or spell this “word.” As the language of any culture reflects the […]

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