
December 14
LES USA-Canada "A Call to Action to Save the Patent System"
LES USA & Canada

Website: https://members.lesusacanada.org/event/12-14-23WEBINAR

The US patent system, long the world’s best, has been under siege for over a decade. Repeated Supreme Court interventions combined with the America Invents Act’s unbalanced post-grant reviews to sap its strength---all for the convenience of certain giant companies. Consequently, it is now severely weakened, reducing the incentives for inventors and investors alike and handicapping our nation in global competition, both commercial and strategic. Pending legislation, like the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act and PREVAIL, which rebalances the PTAB, promise a revival---but only if they pass as a result of broad support from the vast innovation community.  Come hear Judge Michel explain what you can do to make a difference.

Moderator: Ray Van Dyke, Van Dyke Intellectual Property Law

Speaker: Paul Redmond Michel, Former Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

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