
June 17
LES France "Companies, are you ready for the Unified Patent Court?"

Website: https://www.les-france.org/offres/gestion/events_758_53457_non-1839/entreprises-pretes-ou-pas-pretes-pour-la-jub-un-panel-exceptionnel-d-experts-vous-aide-a-faire-les-choix-strategiques.html

LES France’s Dispute Resolution Committee invite you to participate in a Zoom conference on the Unified Patent Court, organized in collaboration with Pierre Véron.

A panel of 9 industrialists, lawyers and CPIs will answer 30 specific questions divided into 3 themes:

1. The patent with unitary effect and the JUB, what financial impacts? (the innovator's point of view)

2. How can I adapt my company's strategy to the risks associated with ULC? (competitors point of view)

3. What to decide for my protection strategy: STAY IN or OPT OUT? (the trial and its preparations)

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