
High Technology Committee

Committee Charter

This committee includes professionals working for companies, research institutions, service providers, and organizations associated with advanced new technologies in the physical sciences including consumer electronics, software, information technology, digital content, telecommunications, nanotechnology, semiconductors, mobile devices, transportation, aerospace, automotive and other electrical and mechanical systems. (The committee was formed from a merger the previous “Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Committee” and the “Engineering, Transportation and Physical Sciences Committee”)

Committee Leadership


LES Germany
LES USA & Canada


LES Spain & Portugal
LES France
LES India


The goals of the High Technology Committee are the following:

Interested in Joining?

First: Join a national LES Society
After you have done so fill out a request below:

Committee Members

LES USA & Canada
LES Australia & New Zealand
LES Germany


LES USA & Canada
LES France
LES USA & Canada
LES Germany
LES Philippines
LES Germany


LES Singapore
LES Philippines
LES Benelux
LES USA & Canada
LES India
LES Germany
LES Germany
LES China
LES Switzerland
LES Mexico
LES Spain & Portugal
LES USA & Canada
LES Germany
LES Spain & Portugal
LES Italy
LES Britain & Ireland


LES Chinese Taipei
LES China
LES USA & Canada
LES Italy


LES Israel
LES Thailand
LES USA & Canada
LES Germany
LES Singapore
LES Italy
LES Chile


LES Chinese Taipei
LES USA & Canada
LES Singapore
LES Austria
LES Germany
LES Hungary
LES Israel


LES Korea
LES Mexico
LES Germany
LES India
LES Germany
LES Japan
LES Korea


LES USA & Canada
LES Japan
LES Argentina
LES Britain & Ireland
LES USA & Canada
LES USA & Canada
LES Spain & Portugal
LES USA & Canada
LES USA & Canada
LES Benelux
LES Germany
LES Britain & Ireland


LES Japan
LES USA & Canada
LES India
LES USA & Canada
LES Italy
LES Britain & Ireland
LES USA & Canada
LES South Africa
LES Benelux
LES USA & Canada
LES Switzerland
LES USA & Canada
LES Germany
LES Italy
LES USA & Canada
LES USA & Canada
LES Germany
LES Britain & Ireland
LES USA & Canada
LES Germany
LES Benelux
LES Australia & New Zealand
LES Germany
LES Andean Community
LES Spain & Portugal
LES Britain & Ireland
LES USA & Canada
LES Germany
LES USA & Canada
LES Australia & New Zealand
LES France
LES Germany
LES USA & Canada
LES India
LES Benelux
LES Russia
LES Britain & Ireland
LES Scandinavia
LES France
LES India
LES Germany
LES Britain & Ireland
LES India
LES USA & Canada


LES Japan
LES India
LES Brazil
LES USA & Canada
LES Brazil
LES Scandinavia


LES Germany
LES Italy
LES Spain & Portugal
LES USA & Canada
LES China


LES China

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