
Case Studies

Kamakura: A Story Of People And Treasures

By Jinzo Fujino * The LES Japan has scheduled a day-trip to Kamakura as a post-conference tour of the 2019 LES International Conference in Yokohama. (See http://www.lesi.yokohama/tour/). Kamakura is an ancient city filled with old temples and shrines. You might be interested in joining the tour to enjoy the scenery

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Recent U.S. Court Decisions And Developments Affecting Licensing

By John Paul and D. Brian Kacedon 1. Taxation of Patent Transfer Obtaining favorable capital gains taxation treatment on payments for transferring patent rights. 2. Reasonable Royalty Using patent litigation settlement agreements to support reasonable royalty damages in later litigation. 3. Infringement by Offers for Sale Avoiding liability for patent

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Intangible Asset Market Value Study?

By Cate M. Elsten and Nick Hill The “Intangible Asset Market Value” (IAMV) study conducted by the authors examines the components of market value, and specifically the role intangible assets play in corporate market capitalizations across a range of indexes around the world. We believe IAMV is a strong reflection

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The Exhaustion Theory Is Not Yet Exhausted: Part 4

By Erik Verbraeken It has been quite some time that I have not updated the “Exhaustion Theory Is Not Yet Exhausted” series. In the latest edition stemming from March 2014, the focus was laid on several U.S. decisions where the IP right holder contested that he had consented to a

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SMEs — A South African Perspective

By Madelein Kleyn South Africa does not invest in procuring accurate statistics on small businesses in South Africa, making it difficult to find the exact number of companies that operate in the country. SEDA issued a broad statistical overview of the SMEs of South Africa in January 2016 and presented

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Evolving Intellectual Property Regimes In Turkey And University Inventions: The New Article 6 Of The Patent Law And Its Impact On University Inventions

Omer HizirogluInovent Iclal ArgucSabanci University When it comes to technology transfer activities Turkey is really not on the map, yet. Lately, Turkey’s dynamic economy is attracting a lot of international attention with a financial sector that is stronger than ever in a Europe that is struggling with economic crises. Nevertheless,

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Economic Impacts Of Technology Transfer: Two Case Studies From The U.S. Department Of Defense

Will D. SwearingenTechLink, Montana State University Timothy F. SlaperIndiana University Business Research Center Virtually all publicly funded research institutions, whether universities or government laboratories, engage in technology transfer. Their official rationale, usually stated explicitly, is to benefit the society that funded their research-and-development (R&D) activities by enabling the resulting inventions

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