

Economic Impacts Of Technology Transfer: Two Case Studies From The U.S. Department Of Defense

Will D. SwearingenTechLink, Montana State University Timothy F. SlaperIndiana University Business Research Center Virtually all publicly funded research institutions, whether universities or government laboratories, engage in technology transfer. Their official rationale, usually stated explicitly, is to benefit the society that funded their research-and-development (R&D) activities by enabling the resulting inventions

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An Economic Perspective On Patent Licensing Structure And Provisions

Thomas R. VarnerEconomists Incorporated The structure and provisions of patent licenses present a number of important issues for firms and individuals concerned with the economics of technology transfer. For example, if a technology license includes financial consideration, what is the motivation for some parties to prefer a running royalty and

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Database Protection And Exploitation In Australia

Joshua HendersonThomsons Lawyers Copyright protection of databases is waning in Australia. Database owners were previously thought to have copyright protection even in works that did not require any intellectual effort to create. However, the High Court of Australia’s 2009 decision in Nine Network Australia v IceTV1 (IceTV) and its refusal

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University Involvement In Patent Infringement Litigation

Jacob H. RooksbyDuquesne University School of Law, Patent infringement litigation can be complex, controversial, and costly. University technology managers may avoid serious consideration or discussion of the activity for these reasons. This article explores the nuances presented by this important, yet often overlooked, aspect of university patent ownership and provides

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Employee-Inventors Compensation

Alan JohnsonBristows Catriona HammerTakashi SuzukiHitachi, Ltd., Christian Osterrieth Numerous countries have statutory provisions which require employers to pay their employee-inventors “compensation” for the inventions they make. However, such laws are completely unharmonized. This leaves employers with research facilities in multiple locations internationally in a deeply unsatisfactory position.

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