
European Committee

Committee Charter

Aims to keep abreast of developments and anticipated future developments of laws, cases, regulations, trade agreements and other matters which are important for technology transfer in or involving the European Union.

Committee Leadership


LES Germany
LES Italy


None Specified

Board Liaison

LES Italy


The goals of the European Committee are the following:

Interested in Joining?

First: Join a national LES Society
After you have done so fill out a request below:

  • Contact current chair of European Committee – 
  • Complete the online request below

Committee Members

LES Italy
LES Spain & Portugal
LES Poland
LES Germany
LES Spain & Portugal
LES Spain & Portugal
LES Benelux
LES Germany
LES France
LES South Africa
LES Spain & Portugal
LES Main
LES Italy
LES Hungary
LES Britain & Ireland
LES Britain & Ireland
None Specified
LES Spain & Portugal
LES Germany
LES Britain & Ireland
LES Germany
LES Italy
LES Benelux
LES Hungary
LES Switzerland
LES Switzerland
LES Spain & Portugal
LES Spain & Portugal
LES Britain & Ireland
LES Germany
LES Scandinavia
LES Austria
LES Scandinavia
LES Spain & Portugal

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