Many sources of information on biopharmaceutical royalty rates and deal terms rely on either Freedom of Information (FOI) sources from public companies in the United States, which only represent "material" deals that are generally more than five years old, or rely on press releases or public announcements which are often positioned for maximum publicity or promotional impact (i.e., the hyperbole of "BIO Bucks").
The Life Sciences Sectors of LES USA & Canada and LES International have partnered to conduct a landmark GLOBAL survey of royalty rates and deal terms for recent deals conducted in the past two years. The results represent significant information on early stage deals from universities, private biotech companies and deals submitted by international companies outside the USA and Canada.
This landmark global survey is unique for the biopharmaceutical industry. The results presented in this session will be highlights of the Survey Report to be published in February 2017. Â The findings provide insights certain to raise questions or challenge conventional thinking, especially for contemporary deals in recent and turbulent years.