
June 28
LES France "Data Access, European Regulation and Case Study from the Agricultural Field"

Website: https://www.les-france.org/offres/gestion/events_758_53474_non-1805/acces-aux-donnees-cadre-reglementaire-europeen-et-etude-de-cas-sur-la-filiere-agricole.html

LES France's Informatics and Software Committee will be hosting an in-person meeting in Paris on 28 June 2022.

The European strategy on the data economy is based on several texts of important European regulations, in particular the Data Governance Act (DGA) and the Data Act (DA) published in February 2022. Access to data, the volume of which is growing very rapidly, via the IoT, imposes rights and duties for the various sectors in the Data Value Chain (DVC).

During this seminar, a summary of the DGA and DA regulations will be presented to understand the essential points. The agricultural sector has been setting up for several years means of data exchange between the many types in this sector. The case of the agricultural ecosystem will therefore be discussed in the light of these lessons and the perspectives linked in particular to European regulations.

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