
June 17
LES Italy, AIPPI, AICIPI and FICPI Joint Conference

Website: https://www.les-italy.org/eventi/evidenza-home/temi-ip-di-attualita-in-tre-diversi-sistemi-giuridici-usa-upc-e-italia

IP hot topics in three different systems: USA, UPC and ITALY

Join LES Italy for a joint Conference with AIPPI, AICIPI and FICPI taking place in Milan on 17 June (also being streamed virtually).

Topics to be discussed:
Introduction to precautionary and ordinary proceedings
Italy: Cristiano Bacchini, Lawyer, AIPPI
Unitary Patent Court: Antonio Mario Pizzoli, European Patent Attorney, FICPI

The right to confidentiality
Italy: Judge Silvia Vitrò, President of Enterprise Specialised Section of the Turin Court
Unitary Patent Court: Dario Paschetta, Lawyer, LES Italy

Bifurcated system
Unitary Patent Court: Sergio Lasca, European Patent Attorney, AICIPI
Italian perspective: Judge Silvia Giani, Enterprise Specialised Section of the Milan Court of Appeal

USA: Tammy Terry, US IP Litigator, AIPLA
Unitary Patent Court and Italy: Judge Andrea Postiglione, Enterprise Specialised Section of the Rome Court

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