December 16
10:00 am -
11:00 am
les Nouvelles LIVE: Spotlight on the December 2024 Edition
LES International

Join LESI for the next Nouvelles LIVE! online event to hear the “making-of” stories from the authors of articles in the December 2024 edition plus a promo for the March 2025 edition which will focus on SEPs!

Authors from two articles will join us:

Fuel Cells And Hydrogen, Where Do We Stand In The EU And France?

Géraldine Doucède and Magda Voltolini

Hydrogen fuel cell technologies have existed since the 19th Century, yet many topics need to be explored to match the green transition objectives, including reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. While the European Union (EU) proposed a comprehensive framework to promote the use of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen, France aims to make its place in the hydrogen business. The purpose of this article is to provide an update on the ongoing regulations and research programs in EU, particularly in France, and the state of the research based on the patent landscape using Patentsight, while giving an overview of existing hydrogen fuel cell technologies.


"Pay Or Okay" Model Part I: Personalised Advertisement And Data Processing— A Legal Analysis

Pinar Bakirtaş

The better artificial intelligence (AI) technologies get at predicting our preferences, the more we feel that our every digital move is being constantly tracked. We often encounter online advertisements that seem to read our minds. For example, we might see a promotion for a travel agency immediately after searching for a flight. Thus, it is reasonable to question the legal basis for monitoring our online activities to create personalised advertisements.

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