
LES Singapore & IPWe "Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): What is it all about and why is this relevant to my business?"
LES Singapore

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nfts-what-is-it-all-about-and-why-is-this-relevant-to-my-business-tickets-187517147837

Discussion: We have heard about NFTs for digital art and virtual footwear, but how are NFTs being used by enterprise companies for critical corporate assets?

LES Singapore's global speakers are deeply involved in NFTs for finance, insurance and IP, working with some of the largest companies in the world. They believe we are past the curiosity stage and entering the adoption phase for enterprise use of NFTs. Our panel believes the licensing, legal and R&D community will all play a key role in guiding adoption and execution of NFT strategies.

Come to hear more about this significant business opportunity for members of LES and your employers and clients.

This event is free to participants.

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