

April 28
LES Spain-Portugal "Train-The-Trainer Course"
LES Spain & Portugal

Website: https://www.lesi.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/flyer-ttt-course---28april2024.pdf?sfvrsn=b2c92ddd_2

Are you interested in teaching the LES 100, a One-Day introductory Licensing course for your Local Chapter or at LES Meetings? Now is your chance!

LES Spain-Portugal and other chapters are currently recruiting instructors. To be eligible, you will need to take the half day TTT course and attend the LES 100 course. The Train-the-Trainer (TTT) is a course developed by Licensing Executives Society International (LESI), that will provide you with the necessary information to organize and teach a LES 100 Course in your society.

View full details here.


  • Danie Dohmen (LES South Africa) - Partner at Adams & Adams
  • Maria José Huertas (LES Spain & Portugal) - Director and Co-Founder at The Lighthouse Team

To register, please contact secretaria@les-sp.org.

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