
May 22
Mock trial before the Unified Patent Court (Central division, Paris seat)
LES International

Website: http://www.lesi.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/view-the-invitation-here-.pdf

The Union pour la juridiction unifiée du brevet (UJUB) was founded in 2013 by most of the French organizations active in the field of industrial property (gathering lawyers, patent attorneys and representative from the industry). It was founded with the aim to promote Paris as the seat of the central division of the Unified Patent Court and to work with the public authorities to set up this central division as well as a local one.

The UJUB, based on an APEB (Association des Praticiens en Brevets) initiative, with the sponsoring and support of the INPI - French patent and trademark office, in an event hosted by Medef – Mouvement des entreprises de France and with the sponsoring and participation of AACEIPI (Association des Amis du Centre d'Études Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle), AAPI (Association des Avocats de Propriété Industrielle), ACPI (Association des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle), AFEP (Association Française des Entreprises privées), AFPPI (Association Française pour la Protection de la Propriété Industrielle), AIPPI (Groupe français de l'Association Internationale pour la protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle), APEB, ASPI (Association des Spécialistes en Propriété Industrielle) and LES France (Licensing Executive Society) has organized a :

Mock trial before the Unified Patent Court (Central division, Paris seat) on

22 May 2014, from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm

The language of the proceeding will be English

Grand auditorium 55, avenue Bosquet
75007 Paris, France

You are kindly invited to attend this event.

Please confirm your participation by email to caroline@smart-event.fr

If you cannot attend, the mock trial will be broadcast live then made available online. If you would like to receive an email with the link to this live broadcast, please send your request to caroline@smart-event.fr.

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