Are you interested in teaching the IP & Licensing Basics 100 or IP Business Basics 101 for your Local Chapter or at LES Meetings? Now is your chance. LES (USA & Canada) is currently recruiting instructors. To be eligible, you must take the IP & Licensing Basics 100/IP Business Basics 101 and attend the three-to-four hour Train-the-Trainer (TTT) workshop. Following your training, you will have access to course materials, coaching, and other resources to get you started.
To be eligible, you must have all the following:
- Taken the course for which you are taking the TTT.
- If you are taking the TTT for the IP Business Basics 101, you need to have taken the IP Business Basics 101.
- If you are taking the TTT for the IP & Licensing Basics 100, you need to have taken the IP & Licensing Basics 100.
- Five or more years of full-time work experience in IP/Licensing (IP, licensing, technology transfer, and business development professionals, as well as IP, patent, and transactional attorneys).
- Current membership with LES International for IP & Licensing Basics 100 and other LES (USA & Canada) courses, and current membership with LES (USA & Canada) for the IP Business Basics 101 course.
Copyright and Confidentiality
The teaching materials/artifacts for the IP & Licensing Basics 100 and IP Business Basics 101 courses (all courses offered through LES (USA & Canada) Inc./LES International) are LES copyrighted. Therefore, all the teaching materials/artifacts can be used only for the benefit of LES (USA & Canada) Inc./LES International) and are not to be shared.
The IP & Licensing Basics 100 can be taught all over the world. The IP Business Basics 101 can be taught only in U.S. and Canada.
Why You Should Attend
Teaching the IP & Licensing Basics 100 and/or IP Business Basics 101 courses will help you develop your professional skills, make new connections, and give back to the licensing profession. With our half-day Train-the-Trainer workshop, you will learn to teach a standardized curriculum, as a team with another instructor supplementing the business or legal perspective. Sign up for a Train-the-Trainer workshop and join the elite group of world-class LES instructors.
Course Details for Train-the-Trainer
The course is divided into four modules:
Module 1. About this Course: Experiences of LESI societies and LES (USA & Canada); how instructors are qualified; course license agreement; and instructor attributes
Module 2. Introduction to teaching methodology for LES education courses
Module 3. Instructor tips
Module 4. Nuts and bolts of presenting LES courses
Course Details for IP Business Basics 101
- Target audience and group diversity
- Sponsorship
- Setting up a course
- Budgeting and pricing assumptions
- Materials/artifacts