1. Download the New Member Data Import Excel Template
2. First Name, Last Name and Email address are required to add new members
3. There is a sample member record.
4. Email the completed excel template to admin@lesi.org
1. Request a copy of your current and former members from admin@lesi.org
2. Highlight the records to move to current member status
3. Email the completed excel template to admin@lesi.org
1. Request a copy of your current members from admin@lesi.org
2. Highlight the records to move to former member status
3. Email the completed excel template to admin@lesi.org
1. Request a copy of your current and former members from admin@lesi.org
2. Make the changes to the spreadsheet, but do not change the Individual ID column
3. Email the completed excel template to admin@lesi.org
For additional information or questions, please email Esha at NNE@lesi.org