
LES Scandinavia

LES Scandinavia is a regional society of LES International and registered in Norway under org. nr. 984 228 309. LES Scandinavia is not liable to VAT

For matters regarding LES Scandinavia:

or write to:

LES Scandinavia


Ia Modin
Gozzo Advokater
E-mail: ia.modin@gozzo.se


Taina Lehtovaara
E-mail: secretariat@les-scandinavia.org

Member Application Form

The Licensing Executives Society aims to create opportunities for "human networking". To achieve this objective, the following listings have been drawn up for publication in the Membership Directory:

LESI Young Executives - A new initiative is LES Young Executives (networking, special events). If you are 40 years of age or below, you can join this initiative, please tick the box and give us your birth date.

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