2022-2023 Short Schedule

Track 1

SEPs, Year One

Substantive lead: Mattia Fogliacco, Sisvel
Track Sponsor: Sisvel


Primer on SEPs


/Public Session/

Oct. 25 @ 8am ET / 2pm CET

Includes an overview of the Thought Leadership Program & LESI’s role/goals facilitating these conversations

View Session:


SEPs and mobile communication


/LES Member only/

Nov. 29 @ 8am ET / 4pm CET

Transactional efficiency at its best: how to remove friction in the mobile communication market.

View Session:


SEPs and WiFi


/LES Member only/

Jan. 18 @ 8am ET / 4pm CET

SEP licensing in the Wi-Fi space: how to remove friction in a market of 3 billion devices a year.

View Session:


SEPs & Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)


/LES Member only/

March 9 @ 8am ET / 4pm CET

The golden standard of patent pooling: DVB and its pools.

View Session:

Montréal 2024

Final Session


30 April - 2 May

The future of SEP licensing.

Track 2


Substantive Organizer: John Carney, China IP Exchange & Chair LESI Auto IAB


Primer on Automotive Industry


/Public Session/

Dec. 15, 3pm CET | 9am ET

Includes an overview of the Thought Leadership Program & LESI’s role/goals facilitating these conversations

View Session:


Vehicle Connectivity


/LES Member only/

Jan. 24, 3pm CET | 9am ET

Where/when will we see 5G as mainstream in the auto markets (and can 4G handle current needs?). Impacts on IP and the Auto business and the importance of — and handling of — data.

View Session:


Vehicle Electrification


/LES Member only/

Feb. 9, 8 am ET / 2pm CET

How the acceleration toward an EV future for transport is impacting standards/IP, vehicles and the grid. Infrastructure and Vehicle readiness.


Autonomous Vehicles and IP


/LES Member only/

March 16, 9am ET / 3pm CET

The path to increasingly self-guided vehicles – how software, vehicle standards and IP set the stage.

View Session:

Montréal 2024

Final Session


30 April - 2 May

Focus on Cyber security and software – series wrap-up and the future of IP Licensing in Automotive.

Track 3

Mediation & Arbitration

Substantive Organizers: Tillman Mueller-Stoy, Bardehle & Adam Rattray, WIPO


Primer on Dispute Resolution


/Public Session/

Jan 19, 8am ET / 2pm CET

Includes an overview of the Thought Leadership Program & LESI’s role/goals facilitating these conversations


Resolving IP Disputes using Mediation & Arbitration


/LES Member only/

Feb. 28, 8am ET / 2pm CET


China: Developments in Mediation & Arbitration


/LES Member only/

March 14, 9am ET / 2pm CET


Mediation & Arbitration for SEP and FRAND Disputes


/LES Member only/

April 11, 8am ET / 2pm CET

Montréal 2024

Final Session


30 April - 2 May

Summary session & the future of resolving disputes when licenses depend on IP.

Each track includes:

  • Each track includes a Primer webinar (open to the public)
  • Three substantive webinars (open to LES Members or available to purchase)
  • Related articles published in LESI’s Journal, les Nouvelles
  • Summary session in person at LESI2023 in Montreal

This event is only open to current LES members. If you are not currently a member of a local LES Society, we encourage you to join your local LES society! If you are not ready to join LES, you can purchase a package for the LESI Thought Leadership Program (all three tracks) for $200 USD. Please contact the LESI Admin Office at NNE@lesi.org to register for this package.

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