This document presents updated Committee Assignments as of the date above and is being distributed to the leadership of all LESI 2011-2012 Committees and posted to the Society website. Specific leadership roles and related expectations are described in detail. LESI has thirteen Management Committees that provide administrative support for LESI day-to-day operations and core activities; thirteen Industry, Professional and Regional (IPR) Committees which serve as the gateway to membership and participation in LES; and, twelve current Ad-hoc Committees or Working Groups addressing new initiatives of the Board.
As a natural link to member professional activities and a significant opportunity for networking, LESI Committees provide the justification that is often essential to join, attend and participate in LESI activities. As a source of significant programming for LESI, our Committees give members the opportunity to organize and participate in numerous LESI activities such as workshops and webinars.
In recognition of this importance, and so Committees can optimize their capabilities and operations, LESI has created a number of tools available from the Society website including an updated Committee Manual (the Manual) and this detailed description of Committee Assignments setting forth what is expected of Committee Chairs or other leadership positions within a Committee and what LESI can do to support the work of the Committees. This information will complement what is presented at the LES International Management and Delegates’ Meetings (IMDM) and the Planning Meeting.
LES USA/Canada Annual Meeting and Follow-on IMDM
October 16-21, 2011  • San Diego, California, United States (Completed)
LESI Planning Meeting and Global Technology Impact Forum
January 21-25, 2012  •  Geneva, Switzerland
LES IMDM and 2012 LESI Annual Conference
(March 30 – April 4, 2012) • Auckland, New Zealand
LES USA/Canada Annual Meeting and Follow-on IMDM
October 13-19, 2012 • Toronto, Canada
The LESI Board is seeking to facilitate a natural transition within Committee leadership by creating, whenever practical, a Past Chair, Chair, Chair-Elect ladder in addition to one or more Vice-Chairs. Vice-Chairs, when appropriate, are focused on significant areas of responsibility for the Committee in which they operate.  For Regional Committees, the Board has requested the National Presidents to serve as Society President Vice-Chairs, a new position.  The Board has also sought to assign a LESI Past President Advisor as well as a LESI Board Liaison to each Committee to further integrate efforts across our Society.  President Elect, Kevin Nachtrab, was highly involved in the selection process to assure continuity for 2012-2013.
As Chair or Vice-Chair of an LESI Committee, you join a long tradition of leaders within LES. Your leadership comes with certain responsibilities which include the following:
For 2011-2012, I am asking committees to focus on delivering education content to the desktop via webinars and publications in les Nouvelles (now available on the LESI website) in addition to traditional workshop presentations at LES conferences.
Good luck, have a great year, and thank you on behalf of Licensing Executives Society International for agreeing to serve as a committee leader. Volunteers are the heart and foundation of LES activities and give LES and its unique character.
James E. Malackowski
LESI 2011-2012 President