
Patent Portfolio Valuation As Reflected By Market Transactions: Market Dynamics And The Impact Of AIA And Alice

Jack Lu
IP Market Advisory Partners (IPMAP), LLC.

This essay presents the most recent results from an ongoing research project that collects and analyzes the market prices of patent portfolio transactions. The project was initially launched in 2012 as part of the efforts to better understand the pricing behavior of the rapidly growing patent market. Several updates have been released since then, includ-ing an article published in les Nouvelles, March 2013, titled, “Decompose And Adjust Patent Sales Prices For Patent Portfolio Valuation” (“the les Nouvelles article”); and a presentation during the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Licensing Executives Society (USA & Canada) in Philadelphia (“the 2013 presentation”). This research note is based on the analysis of the data as of the end of 2014.

As discussed in detail in the les Nouvelles article and the 2013 presentation, the ultimate purpose of the project is to decompose and adjust the market prices for patent portfolio valuation.


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