

Simplicity In Global IP Valuation-Global Technology Impact Forum

Weston Anson and Brian BussCONSOR Brian BussCONSOR The Global Technology Impact Forum (GTIF), created by WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization) and LESI (The Licensing Executive’s Society International), held their inaugural event in Geneva Switzerland this past January 2012.

Comparison Of Risk-Adjusted Returns On Investment In Reasonable Royalty Analysis

Stevan PorterAd Valum Consulting Michelle RakiecAd Valum Consulting At its most basic, a reasonable royalty analysis begins with one simple question: How much better off is the accused infringer for using the patented technology? Perhaps due to their directness in addressing that issue, the “analytical approach” and variant techniques have been attractive methods in reasonable […]

The 25% Rule Revisited And A New Investment-Based Method For Determining FRAND Licensing Royalties

Ove GranstrandChalmers Univ. of Technology Marcus HolgerssonChalmers Univ. of Technology This paper starts with briefly discussing the 25% rule and the argumentation for and against it. The paper continues with developing a new investment-based method for determining FRAND licensing royalties, a method not only applicable to one-to-one bilateral licensing deals but also to multilateral deals […]

Routes-To-Market: A Flexible Approach To Technology Transfer

Andy ChiltonFloralis, University of Joseph Fourier, Grenoble-1 The typical model followed by many TTOs (technology transfer offices), and, indeed, Floralis, sees the Technology Transfer Manager identify potential prospects interested in a license agreement, negotiate, and draw up agreements which will see revenues shared between the inventive source, developer and sometimes the technology transfer intermediary.

Assigning Rights In Future Inventions: The U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision In Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University v. Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.

Sangeeta PuranMayer Brown International LLP One of the most eagerly awaited patent decisions of the last 12 months was the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University v Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.1 Whilst starting as a patent infringement suit, the case was ultimately decided on other issues such […]

How To Determine Fair License Terms: No Need For Rules Of Thumb Anymore

Ralph VilligerAvance, Basel GmbH aluation becomes an important issue as soon as it comes down to negotiating license terms. We need to know how much the licensed product is worth and how much we can ask or pay for it. In the licensing community several rules of thumb get applied to determine fair license terms. […]

Russian Patent Law Considerations For Business – Part I, Part II & Part III

R. Page HellerNat’l University of Sci.& Tech., MISiS and Hope Creek This is Part I of a three part series on Russian patent law. It is a summary of Russian patent law prepared for use in business transactions dealing with intellectual property. It is not intended to be a legal reference for the subject. It […]

Impact Of Collaborative Innovation On IP And Future Trends In IP

Ali JazairyWorld Intellectual Property Organization We are entering a time when many organizations and individuals can be effective at participating in the innovation process. Innovation was used to keep people out, now it is used to invite people in. For this reason, WIPO recommends the development of collaborative networks for innovation through innovation platforms. The […]

What Is The Real Value In Real Options?

David WanetickIncreMental Advantage Whether you realize it or not, you are a practitioner of real options analysis.Real options analysis is an attempt to quantify the value of future, ancillary opportunities that derive from undertaking a given course of action. These opportunities may arise from serendipitous discovery of something of value. For instance, while setting out […]

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