
Heading 1 – For page titles

Heading 2 – For subtitles

Heading 3 – Paragraph titles, drop down section titles

Heading 4 – Emphasis

Vivamus leo velit, tempor non dolor ut, placerat semper metus. Aliquam in lectus at nulla condimentum maximus. Donec efficitur dapibus eros, eget laoreet neque varius eget. Nam rhoncus nibh sit amet fringilla tempus. Sed feugiat facilisis tempor. Cras non nisi non sem hendrerit sollicitudin.

Heading 5 – Captions
Heading 6 – Small notes

Praesent orci enim, sagittis quis commodo mollis, rhoncus vitae dui. Nam accumsan tristique mauris ut gravida. Sed elit ipsum, eleifend a auctor a, auctor ac dui. Aliquam in sollicitudin sem. Vestibulum molestie magna vel augue dictum, vitae ullamcorper orci semper.

Proin sed nisi sed turpis commodo blandit.

Quisque at quam accumsan ipsum eleifend hendrerit. Duis scelerisque, magna sit amet cursus laoreet, lacus lorem ullamcorper leo, at luctus tortor eros sed urna.

  • Fusce libero ante,
  • semper id elit vulputate,
  • efficitur gravida arcu.


Suspendisse congue dictum odio, ac congue metus.

Donec feugiat ullamcorper bibendum. Sed sed nisi ac libero blandit tincidunt. Curabitur eu euismod est. Praesent aliquam ornare est, et commodo neque porttitor sit amet. Integer eu orci sit amet erat fermentum pellentesque et non felis.

les Nouvelles

Les Nouvelles is the quarterly official journal of LES, designed to further the knowledge of the societies’ members in licensing and protecting Intellectual Property.

Global News

Global News is an online publication of LESI, providing society news and program highlights from around the world.

Education Materials

Special reports and business briefings providing guidance on topics relevant to its societies’ members. 

What is LES International?

The Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) has a clear and distinguishable focus on the business aspects of IP from a global perspective with a broad variety of experts from all fronts and sectors dealing with IP transactions, IP valuation and monetization, innovation protection, IP commercialization, IP management, IP licensing and litigation.

LESI is an IP thought leader think tank, a non-profit society being strictly non-political and free to grow through the creation of member societies throughout the world irrespective of politics or the state of technology development.

LESI offers world leading events (virtual and life), useful resources and publications for deal-making / education / best practices and customized committees based on a network of leaders in their field.

Advancing the business of intellectual property globally

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