

May 5
LES ANZ Annual Conference 2021
LES Australia & New Zealand

Website: https://lesanz.org.au/LESANZ/Annual-Conference/Web/Annual-Conference/General.aspx?hkey=dc9493ec-32e5-404b-8157-19709ae39848

The LESANZ 2021 Annual Conference that was to be held in 2020, will now be held virtually in early May, 2021.

Inspired by the rebuilding of Christchurch, COVID-19 and the current challenges faced as a result of the world-wide pandemic, in 2021 the conference will be exploring:

  • Reinvention – how businesses are transforming what they do
  • Fresh approaches – new business models, new relationships, new ways of doing things
  • New beginnings – impact of new technologies and how to become a unicorn

The Conference Topic : Reinvention: Fresh Approaches and new beginnings

The event will include LESANZ national and international guest speakers and delegates, particularly from the Asia Pacific region. It is expected to attract between 80 – 100 delegates. This two half day conference will provide an excellent environment to exchange ideas, meet new people, and form new business relationships with members and overseas representatives. The conference is the annual flagship event of LESANZ, focussing on local and international current issues facing IP Managers, Lawyers, Business Development and Licensing Practitioners.

Click here for full details & registration.

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