October 3
12:30 pm -
1:30 pm
Practical Advice for Commercialising University IP Through Spin-outs from CIPA and LES
LES Britain & Ireland

In a joint Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) and Licensing Executives Society Britain & Ireland (LES B&I) webinar, Samantha Williams and Claudia Duffy will each present their thoughts on what leads to a successful university spin-out offering practical advice on how the interests and expectations of the parties can be accommodated. With Graham Johnson moderating they will then discuss some of the issues that may have been holding back successful commercialisation of IP and how those might be overcome.


Dr. Claudia M. Duffy, EPA BSc, MSc, PhD (Cantab) Founder of Innovare IP and Alta IP

Samantha Williams, Trinity College Dublin Knowledge Exchange Office and LES B&I Council Member

Moderator: Graham Johnson, Appleyard Lees IP LLP and LES B&I President

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