

August 22
LES India "To Invest OR To Divest"
LES India

Website: https://www.lesi.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/les-india-webinar-22nd-august-2020.pdf?sfvrsn=f4a621dd_2

LES India successfully organized a webinar on the topic “To Invest or To Divest”. The duration of the webinar was a little over 1.5 hours and was well attended and received by several participants.

The Speaker: Rohan Turior (Head – IP Fleetguard Filters)

Summary of the aspects covered:

The program was aimed at identifying the applicability of TRIZ to the area of Technology Licensing. TRIZ tools such as MPV (main parameter of value) and S-Curve analysis were discussed during the talk, with appropriate examples. The applicability of these tools, to identify the right technologies to license, was also discussed.

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