

LESI Chapter Demographic Survey – for Members and Prospective Members

  1. Are you a member of LES (chapter name)?

  2. If so, when did you join the organization?

  3. How did you learn about LES?

  4. What is your role in intellectual property commercialization or technology transfer?

  5. For what type of organization do you work?_____ Industrial Corporation
    _____ Service Provider
    _____ Law Firm
    _____ Individual Practice
    _____ Consultant
    _____ University

  6. In what industry or technical area do you work?_____ Automotive
    _____ Biotechnology
    _____ Communications/Media
    _____ Computer Hardware
    _____ Computer Software
    _____ Consumer Products
    _____ Energy, Chemicals and the Environment
    _____ Finance
    _____ Legal – Copyrights
    _____ Legal – Patents
    _____ Legal – Trade Secrets
    _____ Legal – Trademarks
    _____ Nantoechnology
    _____ Other Health Care
    _____ Pharmaceuticals
    _____ Telecommunications
    _____ University
    _____ Other:  _________________________________________________________

  7. What do you feel are the most important benefits of membership in LES?_____ les Nouvelles
    _____ Annual Membership Directory
    _____ LESI Web Wite
    _____ Education Programs and Seminars
    _____ Networking Opportunities
    _____ Local Meetings
    _____ Other:  __________________________________________________________

  8. What additional activities or services would you like to see offered by LES?

  9. Are you a member of other professional organizations?
    _____ AIPPI
    _____ AUTM
    _____ Other:  __________________________________________________________
  10. What do you think sets LES (chapter name) apart from these organizations? 

  11. What legal or regulatory barriers are there to licensing in your country?

  12. How could LES work to lower these barriers?

  13. Rate the most valuable type of events for you (1 = most valuable; 3 = least valuable):_____ Education (courses, seminars, training opportunities)
    _____ Networking (informal exchanges and business development discussions)
    _____ Short presentations with networking afterward

  14. What LES-sponsored events have you attended in the past? 

  15. As a small volunteer organization, LES (chapter name) depends on the efforts of its members to organize its programs.  Please indicate if you would you be willing to volunteer to help LES (chapter name) with any of the following activities:Membership
    ___ Outreach

    ___ Program Planning
    ___  Speaking/Teaching
    ___ Course development

    ___ Newsletter
    ___ Directory
    ___ Public Relations

    ___ Planning Events

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