
Organizing Event Registration




This checklist was compiled in part from the AMA Guide for Meeting and Event Planners by Catherine Price, AMACOM, American Management Association, New York City, ©1989

Provide Information

Design a registration form that includes the following details.

  • Exact dates of meeting/con- ference/convention
  • Venue name and address
  • Registration fees (include cancellation policy, early registration discount, guest registration, special events fees, etc.)
  • Meeting hotels and rates
  • Pre- and postmeeting dates bookable at the group hotel rate
  • Description of seminars that require advance registration and additional fees, if applicable
  • Optional activities that require registration (such as golf, tennis or sightseeing tours), along with fees for each activity
  • Address to which completed form should be returned

Request Information

The registration form should require participants to provide specific information.

  • Attendee profile, including all contact information
  • Company affiliation and title
  • Badge information (nickname or preferred badge name)
  • Emergency contact information
  • Member status (exhibitor, supplier, nonmember, guest media, complimentary)
  • Companion, guest or spouse information
  • Americans With Disabilities Act requirements or special needs, if applicable
  • Room preference (suite, single, double, smoking/non-smoking, ADA accessible)
  • Arrival and departure dates
  • Payment information (for credit cards, require expiration date, cardholder’s name and billing address)

Registration Area

  • Verify that the registration area will be sufficient to accom- modate a table/booth setup.
  • Is the location a major traffic area for hotel guests?
  • Can registration setup remain in the same location for the duration of the meeting? If not, consider using a different area to avoid confusion.
  • Is the space adequate if lines should form at peak hours?
  • Are rest rooms nearby?
  • Is lighting/ventilation adequate?
  • Can signage be placed in a visible location?
  • Does the area meet ADA requirements?
  • Are electrical outlets adequate for computers and other electronic equipment?
  • Are an adequate number of telephone jacks available?
  • Is a secure storage area nearby for registration materials?

Preparing Personnel

  • Before registration opens, familiarize all registration personnel with relevant materials, handouts and procedures.
  • Provide staff with a list of VIPs, speakers and media.
  • Designate registration supervisors.
  • Make sure signage is in place and visible.
  • Provide updated preregistration lists to each employee.
  • Provide each registration employee with a complete list of seminars and optional activities.
  • Check that computers, printers, fax and badge machines are functioning properly.
  • Provide cash deposit boxes, credit card machines and calculators to registration personnel.
  • Alphabetize or code attendee packets for easy access.
  • Stock ample office supplies (tape, pens, telephone message pads, badge holders, paper clips, notepads, etc.).
  • Establish a filing system for on-site registration, and be sure all registration personnel understand the system.

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