As they currently stand in the 14th draft of the preliminary set of provisions, the Rules of Procedure are not set in stone, but are a work in progress. They will probably be the basis for the draft that must be prepared by the Preparatory Committee within three months of the statement in the minutes by the signatory states and be the basis for a broad consultation with stakeholders. The preliminary set of provisions for the Rules of Procedure is, as far as is evident, in line with the Agreement and the Statute and puts them in concrete terms. Each amending proposal will similarly have to observe the provisions of the Agreement and the Statute. This particularly applies to proposals, where the aim is to further shape the options left solely to the discretion of the local and regional divisions under Article 33 (3) of the Agreement regarding putting the preliminary set of provisions in concrete terms.
Additionally, for each amending proposal, it must be considered whether the Rules of Procedure not only satisfy the highest quality requirements under Article 41 (3) of the Agreement, but also are written such that the proceedings are organised in the most efficient and cost effective manner. This is only possible if a degree of discretion is maintained for the judges, which enables proceedings to be managed in a way that is adapted to individual proceedings while, of course, not impairing the predictability of proceedings for the parties. Guaranteeing the predictability and the consistency of the proceedings in the different divisions of the Court of First Instance is also part of the tasks of the central Court of appeal, which in exceptional circumstances under Article 74 (1) of the Agreement even has the possibility of imposing a short-term suspensive effect on the decision of the division of first instance and, therefore, ensuring both the consistency of the procedure and the application of substantive law.
Overall, it must be taken into account that the Rules of Procedure enable a procedure that is fair to the requirements of not just individual but all stakeholders, in that it can be managed in a way that is oriented towards quality, fairness and efficiency corresponding to the needs of each individual case.
- The German original of the article has been published under the title "Der Entwurf der Verfahrensordnung für das Einheitliche Patentgericht im Überblick" in GRUR Int. 2013, p. 310 et seq."
- Regulation (EU) No 1257/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2012 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protec- tion (OJEU L 361, 31.12.2012, p.1). Hereafter: Regulation.
- Regulation (EU) No 1260/2012 of the European Council of 17 December 2012 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection with regard to the applicable translation arrangements (OJEU L 361, 31.12.2012, p.89). Hereafter: Translation Regulation.
- Hereafter: Agreement. The Statute of the UPC is attached to the Agreement as Annex I. In Annex II, the distribution of cases within the central division is specified.
- Poland and Spain have currently not signed.
- Minutes from 19th February 2013 of the signing of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court, 6572/13 PI 28 COUR 12.
- op. cit., section 3.
- Hereafter: Rules of Procedure.
- op. cit., section 4.
- op. cit., section 6; see too Article 41 (2) Agreement.
- Article 41 (2) Agreement.
- Article 12 (1) Agreement.
- Article 12 (3) Agreement.
- Hereafter: Rules of Procedure.
- The European Commission (DG Internal Market) formed a working group made up of five judges: Robin Jacob (UK), Alice Pezard (FR), Eurico Reis (PT), Robert van Peursem (NL), and Klaus Grabinski (DE); and five lawyers: Jorge Grau (ES), Kevin Mooney (UK), Jochen Pagenberg (DE), Jóséf Tálas (HU), and Pierre Véron (FR), with a view to establishing a European Patent Court.
- Now known as the "Court of Justice."
- Now known as the "General Court."
- EPLP = European Patent Litigation Protocol.
- Draft from 27.8.2001, addressed to the sub-group of the working party on Litigation, WPL/SUB 20/01 ( fileadmin/user/Juristische_Infos/e/j4109_prop.pdf).
- Second Venice Resolution, 4.11.2006 ( Downloads/Second%20Venice%20Resolution%20dated%20November% 202006.pdf).
- Doc 10710/07.
- Doc 8302/07.
- See 4th draft of the Preliminary set of provisions for the Rules of Procedure, 16.10.2006 ( PDFs/2009-10-16_Consolidated_Draft_RoP_4_VC09.pdf).
- 24. Opinion 1/09 of the Court of 8 March 2011, para 88 f.
- Council Decision 2011/167/EU of 10 March 2011 authorising enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection. Spain (C-274/11) and Italy (C-295/11) asked the Court of Justice to annul this Decision. In the Opinion of the Advocate General from 11th December 2012, the Advocate General Bot proposed that the Court dismissed the actions. The European Court of Justice is still to make a decision.
- 11328/11/PL 67/CODEC 995. The Council's proposals are based on the corresponding proposals from the Commission of 13th April 2010, doc 9224/11 and 9226/11.
- In particular, there was a dispute between the Parliament and the Council as to whether Articles 6 to 8 of the draft Regulation should be removed. It was finally agreed that the above Articles would be replaced by an Article 5, which was incorporated into the Regulation.
- For the time up to December 2012, see: Benkard/Grabinski/ Adam, EPÜ (European Patent Agreement), 2nd edition, pre-preamble, section 70 ff. (Available in German).
- According to the Opinion of the European Court of Justice, it quickly became clear that the Regulation and the Agreement depended on each other in terms of content and that one piece of legislation could not come into effect without the other (see the comments of the Polish Presidency to the Council on 8th July 2011, 12661/11/PI 92/COUR 35: "The Council has also created a clear political link between the creation of unitary patent protection and the creation of a unified patent litigation system."
- "Conclusions on an enhanced patent system in Europe," 2982 Competitiveness (Internal Market, Industry and Research) Council meeting, Brussels, 4 December 2009.
- 11533/11/PI 68/COUR 32.
- Draft Agreements from 2nd September 2011 (13751/11/ PI 108/COUR 48), 19th October 2011 (15539/11/PI 133/COUR 59), 26th October 2011 (16023/11/PI 141/COUR 62) and 11th November 2011 (16741/11/ PI 155/COUR 64).
- The issue of the location of the Central Division was particularly contentious.
- This consisted of three judges: (Alice Pezard (FR), Christopher Floyd/Colin Byrss (UK) and Klaus Grabinski (DE); and four lawyers: (Willem Hoyng (NL), Kevin Mooney (UK, Chair), Winfried Tilmann (DE) and Pierre Véron (FR)).
- A list of people and institutes that participated in this consultation can be found in the Introductory Remarks of the Preliminary set of provisions for the Rules of Procedure from the 9th draft onwards.
- Introductory Remarks of the 14th draft of the Preliminary set of provisions for the Rules of Procedure.
- The 14th draft of the Preliminary set of provisions for the Rules of Procedure is used as a basis: www.upc.documents. (15829021_1).pdf.
- First sentence of Article 41 (1) of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court.
- Preamble Rules of Procedure.
- Preamble; Rule 1 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 41, (3) of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court.
- Article 23 Agreement.
- Preamble Rules of Procedure.
- See Rules 1 to 9 of the Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 10, Rules of Procedure; Article 52 (1), 68 and 69 of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court.
- Sentence 1 of Rule 11 (1) of the Rules of Procedure.
- See sentence 2 of Rule 11 (1) of the Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 13 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 23 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 25 f. Rules of Procedure; Article 65, paragraph 1 Agreement.
- Rules 19 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 29 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 30 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 32 Rules of Procedure.
- According to Rule 32(3) of the Rules of Procedure, the patent holder and the defendant may lodge a Reply or a Rejoinder to a Reply each within one month. The Rejoinder shall be limited to the matters raised in the Reply. To further accelerate proceedings, the patent holder's written statement on the defendant's defence regarding the limited defence of the patent can be transferred to the interim procedure.
- Rule 35 Rules of Procedure
- Rule 36 Rules of Procedure
- Sentence 1 of Article 8 (5) Agreement. The working group proposed altering Article 8, paragraph 5 of the draft Agreement to the effect that the allocation of the technically qualified judge on the request of one of the parties would be stipulated as being at the discretion of the division instead of providing for this as mandatory, particularly where the defendant makes a Counterclaim for revocation and this is not divided under Article 33 (3) (b) of the Agreement, where a technically-qualified judge is to be allocated anyway. This suggestion was, however, not taken up by the signatory states.
- Sentence 1 of Rule 33 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 1 of Rule 33 (2) Rules of Procedure. This serves the purpose of avoiding delays to the proceedings by a delayed application for allocation of a technically qualified judge.
- Sentence 2 of Article 8 (5) Agreement; Rule 34 Rules of Procedure.
- See requirements for the content of the Statement of claim, Rule 13; the Statement of defence, Rule 24; the Counterclaim for revocation, Rule 25; the Defence to the Counterclaim for revocation and the Reply to the Statement of defence, Rule 29, etc.
- The patent holder is the third defendant in the Counterclaim for revocation, where the infringement action was filed by the holder of an exclusive licence or the holder of a non-exclusive licence in accordance with Article 47 (3) of the Agreement.
- Rule 30 (2) of the Rules of Procedure.
- For the language of proceedings before the Court of First Instance, see Article 49 of the Agreement.
- Rule 14 (1) (a) (i) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 33(1), Agreement.
- Rule 14 (1) (b) (i) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 49 (3) Agreement; Rule 14 (1) b) (ii) in connection with Rules 321 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 15 (2); 24 Rules of Procedure; Article 70 Agreement; for the court fees, see too Rules 370 f. Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 1 of Article 36 (3) Agreement.
- See the guidelines in Article 36 (3) Agreement.
- Article 71, Agreement; Rules 375 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- See sentence 4 of Article 71 (3) Agreement.
- Rule 23 Rules of Procedure. The preliminary objection concerning the jurisdiction of the court or the division indicated, or the language of the Statement of Claim must be made within one month of service of the Statement of claim, Rule 19 (1) Rules of Procedure. The period for lodging the Statement of defence shall not be affected by the lodging of a preliminary objection, Rule 19, paragraph 5, Rules of Procedure.
- The period for lodging a Reply to the Statement of Defence is shortened to one month where no Counterclaim for revocation was lodged, Rule 29 (1) (b).
- Rule 32 (1) of the Rules of Procedure.
- This presupposes the court being equipped with a sufficient number of judges and other officials, such that there are no delays.
- Sentence 2 of Rule 23, rule 9 (3) of the Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 20 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 73 (2) (a) Agreement, Rule 20 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Under Article 73 (2) (b) (ii) Agreement, the court grants leave to appeal. This is understood to only mean the Court of First Instance. In the context of a preliminary objection as per Rule 19 ff. Rules of Procedure, this means that the judge-rapporteur shall grant leave to appeal.
- Rule 21 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 25 (1) (g) and Rule 30 (2) (e) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 33 (3) (a), subparagraph 2 of Article 8 (5), Agreement, Rule 37 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 37 (3) Rules of Procedure; see too Rule 118 (3) (b) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 70 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 70 (4) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 70 (6) in connection to Rules 38-40 Rules of Procedure.
- Actions for declarations of non-infringement as per Article 32, paragraph 1 (b) Agreement.
- Sentence 1 of Article 33 (4) Agreement.
- Article 33 (6), Agreement; sentence 1 of Rule 71 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 2 of Rule 71 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- European Council Conclusions, 29th June 2012, EUCO 76/12 CO EUR 4 CONCL 2, No. 3, subsection 3, final clause: "There will be no possibility for the defendant to request a transfer of an infringement case from a local division to the central division if the defendant is domiciled within the European Union."
- The Intellectual Property Judges Association's 1 November 2012 Resolution suggested removing sentence 2 of Article 33 (2) from the draft Agreement without replacing it, see http://
- Second Venice Resolution, 4.11.2006 ( Downloads/Second%20Venice%20Resolution%20dated%20November% 202006.pdf).
- Article 52 (2) Agreement; Rule 104 Rules of Procedure.
- See: Rule 104 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 190 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 192 ff., 199 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 201 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 202 Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 108, 104 (h) Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 1 of Article 52 (2) Agreement; Rule 101 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- See the wording of Article 52 (2) Agreement: "...if appropriate..."
- Sentence 1 of Article 52 (2) Agreement; Rule 101 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 102 Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 2 of Rule 102 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 105 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 106 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 101 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 110 (1); 431 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 8 (8) Agreement; see too Rule 341 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 112 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 112 (4) of the Rules of Procedure, which puts the requirement in Article 53 (2), Agreement in concrete terms, where the questioning of witnesses and experts should be limited to that which is necessary under the control of the court.
- Rule 113 Rules of Procedure.
- See: sentence 1 of Rule 115 Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 2 and 3 of Rule 115 in connection to Rule 106 Rules of Procedure.
- So-called corrective measures are detailed in Article 64 (2) of the Agreement: (a) a declaration of infringement; (b) recalling the products from the channels of commerce; (c) depriving the product of its infringing property; (d) definitively removing the products from the channels of commerce; or (e) the destruction of the products and/or of the materials and implements (for their manufacture), see too Article 10, Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (Enforcement Directive).
- Rule 118 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 3 of Rule 118 (1), Rule 352 Rules of Procedure.
- Hereafter: Enforcement Directive.
- Rule 118 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 118 (3) (a) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 118 (3) (b) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 354 (4) in connection to Rule 125 ff. Rules of Procedure. There is no similar regulation in the Agreement. However, analogy can be made to Article 60 (9) and Article 62 (5) in connection to Article 60 (9) of the Agreement.
- Sentence 3 of Rule 118 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 118 (9) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 118 (7) and (8) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 126 Rules of Procedure.
- For more information on further requirements regarding the content of the Application, see: Rule 131 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 131 (1) (c) in connection with Rules 141 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 131 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 137 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 125 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 136 in connection with Rules 295 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 150 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 150 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- See: Rule 151 Rules of Procedure
- Rule 156 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 156 (2); rules 152 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 152 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 157 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 53 of the Agreement.
- Rule 175 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 176 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 177 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 178 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 178 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 178 (4) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 53 (2) Agreement; Rule 178, paragraph 5 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 178 (6) Rules of Procedure.
- See: Rule 179 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 179 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 181 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 185 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 185 (4) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 187 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 186 (6) Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 1 of Article 59 (1) Agreement; sentence 1 of rule 190 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 190 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 190 (3) and (5) Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 2 of Article 59 (1) Agreement.
- Sentence 2 of Rule 190 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 190 (7) Rules of Procedure. Even though this regulation is an effective sanction against the other party, it is not effective against a third party and still requires adaptation in the draft in this respect.
- Article 59 (2) Agreement.
- Rule 192 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 194 (1) (a) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 194 (1 (b (c) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 60 (5) Agreement, sentence 3 of Article 7 (1) Enforcement Directive; Rule 197 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- 3rd bullet of Rule 193 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 18 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 8 (7), Agreement.
- Rule 194 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 19 (3), UPC Statute; Rule 345 (5) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 194 (4) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 60 (2) Agreement; Rule 196 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- See Rule 196 (5) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 61 (3) Agreement; Rule 199, paragraph 1, clause 1 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 60 (1) Agreement.
- Article 60 (4) Agreement.
- Sentence 2 of Rule 196 (1); sentence 1 of Rule 199 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 60 (6) Agreement; Rule 197 (2) to (4) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 61 Agreement; Rule 200 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 53 (1) (g) Agreement; Rule 201 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 202 Rules of Procedure; with regard to non-participating Member States of the EU, see: Council Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 of 28 May 2001 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters, OJ L 174 of 27 June 2001.
- Rule 206 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 205 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 208 (2) in connection to Rules 17 (2); 18 Rules of Procedure.
- Sentence 2 of ule 208 (2) of the Rules of Procedure.
- Article 19 (3) Unified Patent Court Statute.
- Rule 209 (3) in connection to Rule 194 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 206 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 60 (5) in connection to Article 62 (5) Agreement; Rule 212 (1) of the Rules of Procedure.
- Article 60 (6) in connection to Article 62 (5) Agreement; Rule 212 (3) in connection to Rule 197 (3 and 4) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 209 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- For information on the protective letter, which can be filed at the Court Registry, see Rule 207 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 209 (4) Rules of Procedure. Whether the Applicant has a legitimate interest in the confidentiality of the withdrawn Application for provisional measures or protective measures, is not without doubt.
- Rule 210 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 62 (1) (3) Agreement; Rule 211 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- If the Applicant is not the patent holder, but a licensee, this applies correspondingly for their entitlement under Article 27 (2) (3) Agreement.
- Rule 211 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 211 (4) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 73 (1) Agreement; Rule 224 (1) (a) Rules of Procedure in connection to Rule 220 (1) (a) (b) Rules of Procedure.
- Order from the President of the Court of First Instance at the request of a party, to use the language in which the patent was granted as the language of the proceedings.
- Article 59 (Production of evidence), Article 60 (Preservation of evidence and inspection of premises), Article 61 (Seizure), Article 62 (Provisional and protective measures) and Article 67 (Communication of information).
- Article 73 (2) (b) Agreement; Rule 220, paragraph 1 (c), paragraph 2 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 73 ( 2) (b)( i) Agreement; Rule 224 (1) (b) Rules of Procedure in connection to Rule 220 (1) (c) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 73 2 (b) (ii) Agreement; Rules 220 (2), 224 (1) (b) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 73 (2 (b) (i) Agreement.
- Rule 157 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 221 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 74 Agreement.
- Sentence 2 of Article 74 (1) Agreement; Rule 223(3) and (4) of the Rules of Procedure.
- Article 74, (2) Agreement; the same applies for appeals in connection to actions under Article 32 (1) (i).
- Article 73 (3) Agreement.
- Rule 222 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- For the content of the Statement of appeal, see Rule 225 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 226 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 224 (2) (a) Rules of Procedure. For a decision, the period for lodging the Statement of grounds is therefore two months longer than the period for the Statement of appeal.
- Rule 224 (2) (b) Rules of Procedure. For an order, the period for lodging the Statement of grounds is therefore identical to the period for the Statement of appeal.
- Rule 226 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 50 (1) Agreement; Rule 227 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 230 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 231 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 233 Rules of Procedure. Whether such an examination of the Statement of appeal by the judge-rapporteur in the appeal procedure is required, as this rightly does not occur in the proceedings of first instance, seems doubtful such that removing this rule before it is adopted by the Administrative Committee, should be considered.
- Rule 234 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 236 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- See: Rule 237 Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 238 Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 239, 240 f. Rules of Procedure.
- Article 75 (1) Agreement; Rule 242 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 75 (2) Agreement; Rule 243 (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 243 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 242 (2) (a) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 242 (1) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 81 (1) (a) Agreement; Rule 245 (2) (b) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 81 (1) (b) Agreement; Rule 245 (2) (a) Rules of Procedure.
- Article 81 (2) Agreement; Rule 245 (2) (a)–(c) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 247 (a) Rules of Procedure; see too the other reasons listed under Rule 247. The list in Rule 247 is intended as an example and is therefore not exhaustive.
- Rule 248 Rules of Procedure.
- Article 81 (2) Agreement; Rule 251 of the Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 253 (2) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 254 (2) and (3) Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 254 (4) Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 260 ff. Rules of Procedure
- Rule 266 Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 270 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 285 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 295 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 280 f. Rules of Procedure
- Rules 300 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 302 Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 305 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 320 Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 321 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 331 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 341 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 350 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 355 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rules 360 ff. Rules of Procedure.
- Rule 365 Rules of Procedure.