Licensing Publications

 The following is a list of currently available publications on licensing and technology transfer best practice.

Title Published Publisher Purchase
les Nouvelles quarterly journal of the LESI The quarterly journal of the LESI. Distributed free of charge to members or available on subscription for non-members. Quarterly LESI Join LES Subscribe
The LESI Guide to Licensing Best Practices: Strategic Issues and Contemporary Realities A definitive resource for professionals in licensing and technology management. In this comprehensive guide to licensing best practices, esteemed members of the Licensing Executives Society International offer in-depth discussion of a broad range of important topics in the field of licensing. 2002 LES/Wiley Online or offline bookseller
Licensing Best Practices: Strategic, Territorial and Technology Issues Spanning the globe, from Scandinavia to Japan and Mexico to Korea,Licensing Best Practices provides a comprehensive and user-friendly resource for professionals in licensing and technology management. 2006 LES/Wiley Online or offline bookseller