Upcoming Events

LES Turkey "IP.CAMP"

IP.CAMP is the premier training event dedicated to Intellectual Property Management and Licensing. Organized by LES-Turkey since 2014.

If you are actively involved in IP management and licensing, IP.CAMP is a must-attend event for you. It provides a unique platform to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, insights, and best practices in the industry. Whether you are a seasoned expert or just starting your career, IP.CAMP offers valuable learning and networking opportunities that can take your professional journey to new heights.

In 2024, IP.CAMP is taking a deep dive into "Navigating IP Strategies for an Evolving Tomorrow" As the importance of strategic patent portfolio management continues to grow, this year's event will explore innovative approaches, emerging technologies, and future trends that will shape the IP landscape. By attending IP.CAMP, you will gain invaluable knowledge and practical strategies to navigate the complex challenges of the ever-evolving IP world.

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