Valuation & Dealmaking Of Technology-Based Intellectual Property

by John T. Ramsay

John T. Ramsay

Q.C., Partner, Gowling LaFleur Henderson, LLP Barristers & Solicitors, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This is the third in Razgaitis’ series of books on Valuation. The first book was written in 1999, the second in the series (two volumes) was written in 2003 and this one, consolidating the topics of the two 2003 volumes, was written in 2009.

Think of it. After the 1999 book, we have the technology mania and burst where valuation was ignored. Obviously a writer needs to get the points through—valuation of technology, although in many ways unique, requires much the same disciplines as required for other industry sectors.

So what happens—after the 2003 books are written, other industry sectors, in particular the financial sector, prove that they have no idea of the basic valuation disciplines either. Sheer greed combined with willful ignorance prevailed both times. So what does the best writer on technology valuation do? He re-writes his book to provide step-by-step disciplined approaches, detailing the fundamentals as well as the technology-unique approaches.

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